Oregon Brain Preservation
A Non-profit Organization




Next of Kin Preservation

Most of our customers are next of kin. That means you are working with us to preserved a loved one. Paperwork is typically returned by mail, but may be returned by scanning and emailing if urgency is required. Contact Us.

Sign and return the Preservation Agreement.

Sign and return a Document of Authorization.

Arrange payment.


Self Preservation

We also have a few customers who have arranged preservation for themselves. Oregon Brain Preservation does not have any "membership" option like you might find at Alcor or CI.  The closest thing we have is a preservation agreement filled out in advance. The procedures are very difficult for remote cases, so we generally only accept agreements in advance for people living in or near Salem, Oregon.  We will also sometimes accept an agreement from farther away as long as they understand that the procedure is unlikely to preserve many of their memories.  There is no initial or annual cost for such agreement.


Paperwork is typically returned by mail, but may be returned by scanning and emailing to this email address.

Sign and return two copies of the Preservation Agreement.

Sign and return a Document of Gift and Informed Consent.

We will send you back the countersigned documents.


The fees below apply both to Patients and to Next of Kin preservations. Fees do not need to be paid prior to service except in the case of cryopreservation services. The normal fees may be reduced on an individual basis if your financial situation necessitates it.


Chemical Preservation


This is our standard and best procedure. This is the fee for an ideal case, which includes perfusion of aldehyde, removal of the brain, and permanent storage in liquid in refrigeration. Also includes cremation of body. The only way to take advantage of this procedure is to be in Salem at our facility when death is pronounced.



Most cases are not ideal, so we have lower fees in those situations:

$1000 if brain is removed by someone else and sent to us for storage.

$3000 if body is sent to us with no plan for perfusion. Includes cremation.



This is rarely done. This might apply if the body was straight frozen and liquid storage is not an option. It might also apply if the donor prefers cryopreservation rather than the standard chemical preservation for some reason.

$15,000 Cryopreservation of the entire head.

$5,000 Cryopreservation of the brain only.

We do not offer whole body preservation services of any kind.


Standby or Transportation

The fees above do not include any Standby or Transportation expenses. 


Pet Preservation

Pet Preservation



Procedure Overview